Tuesday, July 4, 2006



Mini sessions will take in Phoenix Park, Downtown Eau Claire.

July 9th Session Times
6:00-6:20 - Available
6:30-6:50 - Booked
7:00-7:20 - Booked
7:30-7:50 - Booked
8:00-8:20 - Booked

July 21st Session Times
6:00-6:20 - Booked
6:30-6:50 - Booked
7:00-7:20 - Available
7:30-7:50 - Available
8:00-8:20 - Available

August 7th Session Times
6:00-6:20 - Booked
6:30-6:50 - Booked

7:00-7:20 - Booked
7:30-7:50 - Booked
8:00-8:20 - Available

Mini sessions are an abbreviated version of a standard photo session, last between 15-20 minutes, and include either an individual [senior session], a couple [engagement session], parents & up to 3 children* or a combination of all.

*If you have more children, we recommend that you book a double mini session in order to have enough time.

Mini sessions are $50 and include an online gallery with 15-30 images. Double Mini Sessions can be booked for $90. Your $50 session fee is required within 3 days of booking to hold your date and time for you.

Print Prices:

16 wallets - $25
4×6 - $5
5×7 - $15
8×10 - $25
11×14 - $50
16×20 - $75

Digital Negatives - $150

Please email shawn@vimageryanddesign.com or call 715.533.1867 to reserve your time!